The Gale and Gareth Foulds Eco-Memorial Fund

In Loving Memory of Gale and Gareth Foulds:

With heavy hearts, we bid farewell to two remarkable souls, Gale and Gareth Foulds, whose passion for the arts and unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship left an indelible mark on our community. As cherished supporters of the Morgan Arts Council, Gale and Gareth’s boundless enthusiasm and tireless dedication enriched countless lives.

In honor of their legacy, the family and Mountain View Solar have established “The Gale and Gareth Foulds Eco-Memorial Fund.” This fund serves as a beacon of their commitment to sustainability. Donations of any size will go towards the purchase of the solar panels. Every $250 in accumulated donations will purchase an additional solar panel for the Ice House, symbolizing progress and environmental responsibility.

Gale’s and Gareth’s spirits will forever illuminate our hearts and the halls of the Ice House, reminding us of the profound impact two individuals can have on the arts and the world around us. Let us honor their memory by continuing to cultivate creativity, preserve our planet, and inspire positive change in our community.

Together, let us carry their vision of a brighter, greener future as we celebrate their life and legacy.

Forever remembered, forever cherished.