MACreate South: Wire Wrapping for Beginners
Date(s) - 10/15/2022
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Cacapon Resort State Park Nature Center
Instructor: Maya Fredo
Learn how to make jewelry from wire, wrap crystals and stones into pendants, and make pretty things to hang in your windows! If you don’t know where to start, we will show you everything you need to know. After this class, you will know how to use the hand tools and wire available for basic but versatile wrapping called a “Cage Wrap”. AND…you will leave class with two wire wrapped quartz crystal point pendants that you made yourself! We will use copper wire and natural quartz crystal points. All materials and tools provided, but you are welcome to bring any pieces you would like to work with. Tuition is $35, $30 for MAC members.
Bookings are closed for this event.